Two-Way ANOVA using SPSS

  1. Open your SPSS file.
  2. Click on Analyze.
  3. Click on General Linear Model .
  4. Click on Univariate.
  5. Highlight the dependent variable and slide it into the box labeled 'Dependent Variable' (red arrow below).
  6. Highlight the two independent variables and slide them into the box labeled 'Fixed Factor(s)' (green arrow below).
  7. Click the Options button (purple arrow below).

  8. Highlight the independent variables and interaction and slide them into the box for 'Display Means for:' (red arrow above).
  9. Click Continue; then click OK.

  10. The ANOVA table below provides the results for the
    omnibus test (row labeled 'Corrected Model')
    effect of Gender (row labeled 'gender')
    effect of class year (row labeled 'upper')
    the interaction (row labeled 'gender*upper')

  11. The boxes below display the means for the output as a function of gender, as a function of class year and as a function of their interaction.